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Compassionate, Quality Medical Care

In an age where many things in life are becoming increasingly automated and impersonal, your health shouldn’t be one of them. At Shadid Medical Group, dependable, personalized care is at the heart of what we do, and here, your health is always our top priority. For nearly 15 years, board-certified family physician Dr. S. Christopher Shadid has been providing comprehensive medical services for patients in and around Edmond and the Oklahoma City metro area, treating everyone from newborns to aging adults and everyone in between. With a fully staffed team offering expertise in multiple areas and state-of-the-art facilities equipped to handle a wide range of needs, Shadid Medical Group can help you skip the urgent care and stay out of the operating room without sacrificing quality.

At Shadid Medical Group, we believe exceptional medical care is about the experience as much as the expertise, so we believe in customer service. Unlike most doctors, Dr. Shadid knows that medicine is a customer service industry and that providers are only as good as the people they surround themselves with. From same-day appointments for both new and existing patients to a Spanish translator on site, the staff at Shadid Medical Group is committed to creating an environment where patients feel welcome and heard. Our providers take the time to understand your concerns and address them thoroughly, and you’ll never be rushed out of your appointment without the answers you need, so you can be confident that we’re looking out for you and not our bottom line.

At Shadid Medical Group, we’re here to look out for your health in the best way. Your first visit with us is just the start of a long-term partnership with providers who truly care about your well-being, where your routine checkups are taken as seriously as treating and managing your chronic conditions.
When it comes to your health, you shouldn’t have to settle for just any care; expect the best, and schedule your next appointment today with Shadid Medical Group.

Schedule an appointment today!

Dependable, Personalized Medical Care

The team of medical professionals at Shadid Medical Group provides the world-class medical care you expect with the convenience and compassion you deserve. Whether in person or via a virtual visit, you can receive nearly all the services you need at every stage of life, including:

  • Cosmetic and aesthetic medical services through our partner clinic, Contour Oklahoma
  • Acute medical care
  • Minor emergencies
  • Family planning
  • Preventative care
  • Sports physicals
  • Mental health
  • Well-woman exams
  • Well-child checkups
  • Chronic condition management
  • Transitional care
  • Vaccinations
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Medical weight loss
  • Minor and minimally-invasive procedures
